The sustainable and eco-friendly website acknowledges that the internet and also the digital technologies have harmful sides as well. it will not only affect the planet as well as affect the people. So it is important to know about sustainable websites and how to design them. That creates a positive impact on the environment as well as on the people.
What is a sustainable website?
The sustainable web design is developed for the future people and for our planet along with to get profits. The web designing companies in Lahore run on renewable energy and consume an amount of it. It is not unethical and exploitable. But also adding value.
Why should websites be sustainable?
According to the report, the digital technologies along with the internet caused around 3.7% greenhouse gas emission that will be comparable to the Global aircraft industry. And this percentage will be docile in 2025 and it will be affected because of the covid/ pandemic situation.
Otherwise, it is actually common in the media and social media to rip on the politicians to take the domestic flights. It will grab the whole attention to the environmental impact of the internet and generally it is increasing now.
Characteristics of a sustainable website:
Following are the characteristics of a sustainable website:
- Clean
- Honest
- resilients
- Regenerates
- Efficients
- open
The triangle of sustainability:
According to the brundtland: the sustainable is all about meeting the needs of the present without compromising with the future generation that will meet their own needs.
Following are the three pillars of sustainability:
- Environmental
- Social
- economic
When these pillars join together, they make the triangle of sustainability.
How to make/ design the website sustainable:
Today the average size of the web page is 1711.4 kb. Naturally, the carbon footprint will be increased because more data are being transferred. As we know, the web development companies in lahore and all the world know that their web developers and designers have the command and power to reduce the consumption of the energy and environmental impact of the web through the design of more energy efficient websites.
The web designing companies in Lahore used the best practices to make/ design energy-efficient and sustainable websites. Following are the best practices:
- Use green web host:
The servers, cooling systems and data centers all of them consume. Finding a company that employs renewable energy that helps to reduce the impact of the environment on your website, it is actually a longer process.
It is a challenge for a web host company to deliver the best customer support, best solid performance and use renewable energy sources. There are many web hosting companies that do not operate their data centers because they don’t have enough knowledge of how their servers run and less control on servers.
It is very important for the whole web industry to be aware of how to reduce the environmental impact of the web. This is the basic thing that they should need to be focused on. Because of this change the web development companies in Pakistan make more eco-friendly websites. It will not only improve the performance of the website but also improve the user experience and SEO.
- Delete the extra and what you don’t need
It is very important to add things that are important and essential and delete the unnecessary things that you don’t need. The things may be old reviews, pictures, videos, themes, plugins, tags, spam comments and broken links etc.
- Set Up web caching:
Downloading shared page elements, for example: CSS,images, java-scripts and storing them close to the users are included in the caching. When The visitor/ consumer revisits the website and they get the data of where he/she left the website last time.
Web development companies in lahore like planx considered that it will minimize the transfer of data and also improve the performance of the website.
- Use lazy load images and media:
Lazy loading means loading the images and other data when it is required. In simple words, it only loads the data when the users scroll down. And if the person doesn’t scroll then there is no need to load the images and data.
According to the web development company in pakistan they test that it saves energy consumption. Loading speed will be faster and it creates a good impact on your SEO.
- Improve site navigation:
The unprofessional website has poor navigation that is why most of the people cannot find what they want. That poor and unclear navigation irritates the visitor that is why most of the businesses do not engage them and they have no reason to stay longer on your website. In short it is the down side. It is a waste of time to click on the website and find things for a user
So it is important to hire a web development company and through them develop a professional website along with understandable and clear navigation.
- Optimized images to reduce the size of the files:
The high resolution picture actually has different charisma. And these pictures/ images look amazing on the websites. But most of the web designing companies in Lahore analyzed that loading speed and energy consumption is affected because of the high resolution images. They reduce the images from the website and it is one of the easiest ways to ease the burden of the website. Only use the important and essential ones and reduce their resolution.
- Be strategic with videos:
A few years back, Web designing companies in pakistan considered videos to be the bad/worst thing then an image. Because it badly affects the performance and efficiency of the website.
But in recent years, the web designing companies in Lahore use the videos in the website to increase the engagement and capture the decreased attention span. But now they also have the ideas to reduce its negative impact.
- Add videos on your website within a limit. Only add those videos that are absolutely necessary.
- Use the low resolution video that will not affect the performance of the website.
- Directly embed to the website and does not set the video on auto-play mode.
- Before adding the video, you must analyze and think whether you need the video in the background or not.