// about service

We Provide Best
Global Amazon Services.

Amazon ServicesWe Believe in Honesty & Diligence:

Amazon listing optimization is the process of improving Amazon product pages to increase organic product rankings and sales. It involves a series of steps that address the title, bullet points, description, images, and backend keywords of your listing.

The goals of focusing on listing optimization are to:

  • Improve your search relevancy (search volume, search results, and visibility),
  • Click-through rate (CTR) and
  • Conversion rate (CR).

Maximizing your keyword ranking as an Amazon seller helps achieve more conversions. By increasing your customer conversion rate, you accomplish two very important things for your listings and business:

  1. Optimized Amazon listings lead to increased sales and revenue. Even if the number of visitors to your listing remains the same, better content naturally leads to higher conversions and sales.
  2. Increased sales generate more listing traffic. Amazon actively rewards listings that are most successful at converting customers. The best listings rank higher in customer search results on Amazon and, as a result, are seen by more shoppers and produce even greater sales.

Typical results from our Amazon listing optimization service are:

  • Increased product exposure
  • Fewer product returns
  • Higher sales volume
  • Positive customer interactions
  • Higher search results, more search volume, and better rankings
  • Improved quality of listings
  • Stronger brand identity
Planx manage:
  1. Vendor central management 
  2. Seller Central Management
  3. PPC Specialist for Sales 
  4. Brand & Sales Reporting

In addition to Amazon optimization services for products in the United States, Awesome Dynamic also offers optimization services for Amazon Europe — the second-largest Amazon marketplace outside the U.S. The European market offers an incredible opportunity to get your product in front of millions of potential customers. Even better, many of Amazon Europe’s product categories aren’t as saturated as those in the U.S., meaning you face less competition and enjoy greater opportunities to make sales.

// latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

We’ve exceled our experience in a wide range of industries to bring valuable insights and provide our customers.

Innerr [Android App]

Innerr was founded in 2020 with the vision of helping women uninhibitedly shop for intimate wear. Along the way, we saw how it helped women break norms.

Hifonix [Website]

Hifonix is an online store and authorised retailer for brands that represent such qualities in MOON, Musical Fidelity, Focal, Panasonic, Dali, Naim Audio and many more.

Optima [Website] is the digital version of OPTIMA Eye Wear. With 36 years of experience in this industry we served millions of customers with satisfaction.

Tiara Travel [Website]

Benvenuti in Tiara Travel, siamo un piccolo team di grande esperienza con sede a Trou D’eau Douce. Mi chiamo Stephanie, direttore di questa azienda.

Oleander [Website]

Oleander established in 1975 as a flower retailer, The Oleander Group has consistently expanded and flourished into the high end floral & landscaping related market.

Tech Zones [Website]

Tech Zones is the UK’s first and only 5-star Repair Service Centre. Over the last four years, we have repaired more than 150,000+ devices. We specialize in express, same-day repairs.