Web Design & Development

Should I Redesign My Website? How to Redesign Your Site Headache-Free

Most businessmen build a website, they forget that the website also needs two important things is Maintenance and Support. As the result, the website is not making business like:

  • Not getting a competitive edge anymore
  • No increase in sales
  • No more interaction with the customers 
  • The D2C approach does not work

In short, they are actually not in favor of developing the website. They always think that the website is a luxury item. They follow the myth that the business doesn’t need any other because quality always matters. Yes, the quality matters because it builds the trust of the particular company/brand. The website is the best way:

  • To interact with your customers
  • Get a global reach 
  • Get your customer feedback.

However, there are many reasons and questions behind the redesigning of the website:


  • Web design is not responsive but yet simple and unique
  • The layout and theme are outdated 
  • Cannot get the global reach
  • Low organic traffic
  • Old and traditional marketing 

These reasons don’t mean that the website should be redesigned. Many of these issues are faced because of the:

  • slow loading speed
  • some minor problems.


  • Why should your website be redesigned?
  • What are the issues in the current web design?
  • What kind of marketing strategies do you want to change in your web design?
  • Is its web design mobile-friendly and responsive?
  • Which features of the web design should be changed and updated?

If you redesign your website following are the things that you considered firstly:

  • You should decide the proper budget
  • Hire the best website development company in Lahore like planx.
  • web design that you decide must be responsive and mobile-friendly

Steps that help to redesign the website:

  1. Choose the best web development company

It is the first step in choosing a web development company in Lahore. That web designing company in Lahore like planx understands the issues and problems. If you select the wrong one, you cannot be successful and waste your time. You should select the best web development company in Lahore. 

However, the following are the tips to select the best web development company in Lahore:

  • Select the best and top 5 web development companies in Lahore
  • Analyze the loading speed of their website
  • Look at their portfolios 
  • Review their testimonials 
  • Review the feedback of the company 

A web development company like planx also gives you maintenance and support services after the completion of the web development project. 

  1. Determine all the factors and features that you want 

The web design has many factors and features that increase/ decrease sales and organic traffic. 

Following are the factors and features that should be determined before redesigning the website:

  • The loading speed of the website
  • Call to action button
  • Feedback page
  • About us and contact page 
  • The landing page should be unique and simple.
  1. Should select the best, latest and unique web design:

Most people always focus on the fact that their web design should be simple, unique with advanced features but the most important thing is always forgetting. As a result, the web design has all advanced features but still, their user experiences are not as good as great. The web design should have a responsive web design. Most people selected the web design of their will. It’s important to find the best and latest web design that is in trend and drives better results in the future. 

  1. Testing and launch process

After the re-designing of the website process, The next stage is the testing. In this process, the developer analyzed all the new and advanced features and whether the buttons are working properly or not.

 If any feature does not work properly and any other issue is faced by the user. Should be resolved first before the launch of the website online. 

If the users face the issue, it means there is a problem in the web design. You have to spend more money on web design again to resolve these issues. 

The best web development team of the top web designing companies in Lahore like planx reviewed the web design properly. If they find the issue and resolve it. After the proper inspection, they launched the website. 

Through the URL of the website visitor and potential customers get the website in a few clicks.

  1. Get the competitive edge

The question always revolves in the mind of the people: why does a business either small or big need a website? Their common answer is to get the competitive edge. Most of the people give the same answer but the wording is different like:

  • They want to drive better results. 
  • Through their website, they stand out in the competition 
  • Use websites as a core competency to beat their rivals. 

But how do they get the competitive advantage because of the website? not only through web design is the only reason. There are many other reasons that also matter a lot as web design. Following are the reasons:

  • The loading speed of the website
  • Clear and concise content 
  • Clear images and text
  • Background color and text color 
  • Feedback from the clients and customer 

Tips for redesigning the website

  1. Communicate with your web design team:

In Lahore, top web development companies like planx arrange a proper meetings with their clients. In the meeting, the company teams of experts asked the client about their suggestions. What kind of feature do they want in the redesigning process. The base remains the same. But the changes in terms of theme and feature add or subtract according to the need. When they get the idea of what kind of change the clients want. During that time they analyze the whole situation with client suggestions. After that, they also explore more ideas in front of their client. Explain the pros and cons of all the features of the website. Then they start to redesign the website. They also update and communicate from time to time. 

  1. Reassess the target audience/market

Nowadays, the number of active users of the internet increase day by day. And 90% of the users are youngsters. The online shopping trend is rapidly increasing in Pakistan and the higher percentage in this section is also youngsters. Web development is necessary to

  • cater to the target audience 
  • Increase organic traffic 
  • Get the global reach 

It is important to the company to make/ select the web design: 

  • Should be attractive
  • Stylish and trendy
  • Grab the attention of the youngsters more 

Through the redesign of the website, businesses interact and re-access the target market easily. 

  1. Included the SEO in the web design

            In fact, one of the main reasons behind the redesign of the website is: Not having the SEO 

Because most the people don’t know the benefits of the SEO:

  • Increase in traffic even more than the rivals 
  • Sales increase 
  • Grab the attention and build interest 

Most businessmen are not familiar with this term called SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple and easy words, it is a digital marketing strategy. That helps the website to rank in google and other search engines.

But for that, the content of the website should be readable and interesting. The content must be understandable and related. If you want to rank your website, for that you should upload the blog on a daily basis. 90% of the websites that get more traffic on their website are because of their blogging section.

  1. Set the goals that you want to achieve through redesigning websites.

The businessman re-designed the website to drive better results. All the reasons and goals are already discussed above. But if they want to redesign the website and spend money. They should focus and give proper attention to their redesign process. They should be clear about their goals and elements they want/ get in the redesign process.